Letting teachers teach and students back to learning.

Let's start with why

It's simple! The reason is right here... it's for family!
Through our own experiences in education we saw a need to have a tool to quickly gauge what someone has learned. We built this to help our own family and now we are sharing it with others.


How we got here

As a family we had big mix of education upbringing and learning. Several excelled in math and others cried over it. Some loved English and others, espeically one, still struggles with spelling. After years of teaching, Jon said,"We need to improve the process." That is how AssessmentMarvel came to be. We have the goal of making learning more effecient by making assessements less complex.


Forget the how

In the journey of developing this tool we quickly learned that standards are all over the place. In many cases, standards focused too much on process instead of just the skill. We determined it didn't matter how you got there, just that you got there. Each one of us learns differently and one process works for one while another doesn't. This is why we created standards that focus on skills.

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Meet the AM Family

Jon Photo

Jonathan Ambler

Student | Father | Teacher | Grandpa

Cathryn Photo

Cathryn Frame

Co-Founder and Head of Question Maintaince
Student | Mother | Homeschool Parent

Ariel Photo

Ariel Figueroa

Head of Research
Student | Mother

Tiffany Photo

Tiffany Ambler

Head of Marketing

Samuel Photo

Samuel Ambler

Head of Tech

Laura Photo

Laura Ambler

Head of Design




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